Friday 25 February 2022

watercolour: watery reflection

Just demo pages this week:  someone forgot to take their camera...

We looked at reflections in water and how they change depending on; 
  • the lightness or darkness of the subject
  • the surface movement of the water
  • how close the subject is
As part of the process, we explored;
  • wet on dry & wet on wet
  • laying on glazes or adding another layer of colour
  • lifting out highlights
We briefly looked at skies too.  

Watercolour as its name suggests, is wet and can be unruly.  So as a watercolourist your time is spent;
  • keeping colours apart to stop them merging, "wet on dry" 
  • trying to control colours merging, "wet on wet"  
  • watching paint dry which can either be meditative or frustrating
The phrase, "If you don't practise you'll get rusty." is probably more true about watercolours than anything else.

Although their work is not here, the work made was lovely.
Well done everyone! 


Friday 18 February 2022

mini iced biscuits, 2B pencils & paper

Observational drawings take time and practise.  To see rather than notice what's in front of you is a conscious activity.  Generally, we glance and our brains fill in the gaps.  With this approach ironically, we by-pass the creative part of the brain and use our deductive, mathematical side to draw only what we can see. 

The creativity comes in later as we begin to see the work as a drawing rather than just a subject.  This is when we can add the darks, lift out the lights, alter tonal values, modify the composition etc...

To me, observation is the basis of most visual art.  Like driving, we need to learn how to handle a car before we can cut corners safely. 

Lots of learning took place this morning.  Very well done everyone!


Christine - demo page

Debbie 1

Debbie 2

John 1

John 2

Monica 1

Monica 2


Thursday 10 February 2022

planets & patterns - white ink, black ink & colour on navy paper

After the Botanical Drawing session at the library with Sally Ward last week, I used the page of textures I made as a starting point for this weeks task. 

We explored making spheres and circles containing pattern and / or tonal values.  Some were enhanced with the addition of colour.  

The lovely results are below.

Well done everyone!








Christine - demo

Christine - demo

Christine - used as demo page

Thursday 3 February 2022

book covers, illustration, ink pens & colour

It seemed fitting to ask everyone to bring a book to the library this week - "coals to Newcastle" came to mind although I'm not sure how relevant that expression is these days.

The plan was to discuss the design of book covers and see what we could learn by drawing the one we had chosen.  The difference between illustration and fine art was touched upon which we will go back to soon.

It was a most pleasant way to spend an afternoon.  The very pleasing results are below - well done everyone!





demo page - Christine