Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

A sincere Thank You to everyone who took part in Circles of Light (ATICS).  You not only made it happen but your input made it a huge success.
Way back in February 2013, Friends of Kirkham Parks, Lytham Hall and St Annes Music & Arts Festival were approached to be possible venues for the venture.  Later, Fylde & Wyre Day Services were approached too.
Thank You to all of you for agreeing to host workshops / drop-in activities.
In March, an application was submitted to Grants for the Arts to cover the costs of the project and in April a "Congratulations! Pack" was returned.
Thank You G4A, without your financial support this project would not have happened.
41 artist applied to be part of the project. 
Thank You for your interest.  I'm sorry 33 of you were unsuccessful at this stage.  I wish you all, all the very best for the future.
In June, 8 artist were shortlisted for interview.
Thank You all for coming along.  It was lovely to meet you, to see your work and share your ideas.  I'm sorry I couldn't take everyone. 
3 volunteers joined us as the project unfolded. 
Thank you to Laura Havenhand, Lucy Alexander and Boz Phillips for your interest, support and dedication.
1 technician followed my instructions but took the most appropriate approach in the end.
Thank You Brian Stringfellow for taking care of practicalities so I could concentrate on other things.
5 artists, the highest scorers in the selection process were invited to take part.
Thank you to Lee Fitzgerald, Tina Lane, Helen Pemberton, Julia Swarbrick and Jeanette Lawton.  You made the project work.  You brought fun and laughter to all we did.  You took the tasks seriously even when I seemed to go over the top with things... [I thought everyone loved risk assessments!] and you continue to help each other beyond the project.  Thank you.

Many people participated in the workshops and drop-in activities.  Nearly 500 places were taken by participants of all ages and abilities from Fylde, Lancashire and beyond. 
Thank you for joining in.  Although you may not have realised it, you helped us learn too.  Thank You.

Lee Fitzgerald aka Mr Dee
Tina Lane

Helen Pemberton (on left)

Julia Swarbrick (centre front)
Jeanette Lawton


Circles of Light (ATICS) complete...  Thank you everyone!

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