Friday, 16 September 2016

Art Circle is back...

We're back...

Last week we made illustrated books after looking at David Hockney's new body of work, "82 Portraits & 1 Still Life" which is at the Royal academy until 2 October.  

and this week we looked at doodling using Peter Davies' work, "Super Star F***er - Andy Warhol Text Painting" as a starting point.  This work won the John Moores Painting Prize in 2002.

A shape or type of shape was repeated across the page and then connections were made between the pieces.  Working white on a dark colour made the work more dramatic... quickly. 

Well done lovely people.

Next week we're looking at Christo who wrapped buildings!  Intrigued?  Come and join us...

Angie:  sea glass

Dorothy: family links

Sheila:  family